Did you know there are more than 10 million residential swimming pool owners in the US? All these swimming pools depend on pool motors to stay clean. Your pool motor is your swimming pool’s beating heart: an unsung hero that cleans and filters the water to make it suitable for swimming.
A pool motor sucks water in and passes it through a filter to clean it from debris and other unwanted compounds. Once clean, the water is pumped back into the swimming pool. Without your pool motor, your pool will soon turn into a cloudy pond, with algae, leaves, and dust floating on the surface.
Pool motors, like any other machine, have a certain life span, which typically ranges from 8 to 15 years. The two main factors that contribute to the longevity of your pool motor are proper pool maintenance and high pump quality.
New pool motors are better at energy-saving and are made of materials that are sturdier and better at withstanding extreme conditions like heat, cold, and direct sunlight. However, things can still go wrong. If your water lacks clarity or you detect a strange smell coming from your pool, perhaps your motor is having a tough time. Before despairing that you need to replace your swimming pool motor, read on to determine what the problem may be and whether you need to change the whole pump or just one of its components.
What Can Go Wrong with My Pool Motor?
I Hear a Humming Noise Coming from My Pool Pump
While a humming noise is never a good thing, it doesn’t necessarily mean you must replace your swimming pool pump. It probably means your capacitor needs changing. The capacitor provides electricity to the pump, so your pool pump can’t run without one. Thankfully, changing a capacitor is much more economical than replacing your entire pump.
I Hear a Grinding and Screeching Sound from My Pool Motor
Worn bearings make a grinding, screeching sound. Fortunately, bearings can be changed without replacing the whole pump. Just keep in mind that you will also have to replace the seal that keeps your motor sealed and waterproof when you change your bearings.
Your Pool Motor Is Tripping the Power Breaker
When the power breaker keeps tripping and you have determined the problem is coming from the swimming pool, your motor may need replacing. It usually means there is a serious electrical problem within the motor that can’t be fixed.
I Hear Popping and Clicking Sounds Coming from My Pool Pump
This issue is related to the previous one. Popping or clicking sounds often indicate there is an electricity issue at hand. Such electrical problems signify your motor should likely be replaced.
My Pool Motor Turns off on Its Own
When your pool motor turns off randomly, it can mean that the fan is dirty, clogged, or overworked. A professional will tell you whether the fan is working properly and efficiently and will be able to clean it from any dust or debris.
We suggest you don’t overlook such a problem: if your pump starts working haphazardly, one of your pump’s components has a problem. If you make it work under these conditions, more components could fail, costing you in terms of money and time—not to mention the fun you’re missing in your swimming pool.
I See Bubbles Coming from the Pool Motor
Your pump has an air leak and water isn’t filtered adequately. Your pump could have cracks that let air seep through. If your pool motor is cracked or rusty, it is probably time to replace it.
What Causes Issues To My Pool Motor?
Aside from age, your pool motor might face several issues that could lower its life span.
Cracks Cause Rust
If there is a crack, the water seeping through will rust and oxidize your pump’s various components. That is usually how bearings stop working and need replacement.
Wrong Size Pump for Your Pool
If your pump is too small for the size of your pool, it will overwork trying to filter the water. This means you risk overheating. Also, your pool motor will run longer hours to clean the water, which will both wear it down prematurely and increase your energy bill.
Your Motor Pump Has Been Running Without Water
Pool pumps are made to run with water. After all, their purpose is to clean the water inside your swimming pool, not the air around it. When your pool motor runs without water, it overheats and wears itself. You risk damaging your pump as well as other components.
When Should I Replace My Pool Motor?
When You Pay Too Much for Repairs
Pool motors are just like cars: when you start paying too much in maintenance, it may make more sense to replace rather than repair. If you have repaired your pool motor a number of times, perhaps next time something goes wrong you should consider replacing your pump.
When You Can’t Find Parts for Your Pool Motor
If your pump is an older model, it may become harder to acquire the necessary parts and accessories for it. New pool motors are constantly produced and manufacturers can’t make parts for outdated pump models. If pool motor replacement parts are becoming too expensive or hard to find, it may be time to replace your pump.
Your Pool Motor Is Very Old
Even if you can find replacement parts, pool motors have a life expectancy of 8 to 15 years, depending on usage and maintenance. If your pump is reaching the end of its life span, it may be time to upgrade to a newer model that will be more efficient and require less maintenance.
You Want Your Pump to Be Energy-Saving
It is always good to save on your energy bill. New pumps are made with energy-saving in mind. For example, older pumps were usually single-speed: they would pump and clean water at the same speed. Newer pumps are either dual-speed or, even better, variable-speed. A variable-speed pool motor pumps more water while running for less time. This saves you energy and extends the life of your pool motor, as it’s not overworked.
Call Waterside Poolscapes for the Best Pool Motors in the Market
If you are looking to upgrade your swimming pool motor or to replace your existing one, call now Waterside Poolscapes, the top U.S. Pool Builder, at 281-690-4810. You can also download “7 Questions You Should Ask Your Pool Builder,” contact us online, or schedule a free, no-obligation swimming pool design consultation. To meet us in person, visit our showroom at 25311 Kingsland Blvd #110, Katy, TX 77494. Office Hours: 8:30-4:30 Monday to Friday, CST. We will help you choose the best pool pump for your needs!